My Policy

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****I am currently not accepting review requests, unless I’ve worked with you in the past. I also almost never say no to romance-heavy novels so feel free to reach out to me if the above statements pertain to you!****

What are my preferences?

I am interested in mostly anything fiction. I don’t review non-fiction but I rarely make an exception unless it’s heavy in the romance department. Adult content is not an issue for me. I prefer NA/A books over YA but YA is definitely not off the table. Horror, Romance, and Fantasy are a VERY high preference of mine. I will most likely than not, say yes to a novel with any/all of these genres.

Paperbacks are my only preference until further notice. The reason for this is that it gives me a semblance of control over the requests I am able to take on. I am so sorry for the inconvenience. If you’re a/n indie/self-published author, there is no need to worry, I will review your book(s) with pleasure!

What is my reading process?

I read the book(s) in the order as I receive them. I have a rather large queue list so there is most likely a wait period of a few months, to a year or more.

  • ARC’s (Advanced Reading Copies): These are bumped up on my priority list depending on the publishing date. I will definitely try my best to read it and get my review up ON the day of the release. If I can’t do so, then I will let you know ahead of time so we can work something out. I keep all of my review copies for myself so there is no need to worry about leaking of ARC content.
  • Sequels: I try my best to review a book as fast as possible but if there is a sequel coming out soon to a book that is in my hands and has yet to be reviewed, then your book will have the same priority as an ARC. Just please make sure to let me know in advance since I am not a mind reader, unfortunately.
  • Higher priority?: The only way your book can receive a higher priority than an ARC is if you’re an author that I have already worked with in the past and have rated your book(s) with a 4 star rating or more.

Where do I upload my reviews?

I will automatically upload my review of your book(s) on Goodreads, my blog (here), FacebookTwitter, and Amazon. If you would like me to upload the review anywhere else specifically (and if I have an account there) then please let me know ahead of time so I can make that possible for you. If my review is not on Amazon it is ONLY because Amazon rejected it. (It has been known to happen on occasion with a couple positive reviews.) I will sometimes post a short review on my Instagram page but not always.

What do my reviews consist of?

My reviews will always be as honest as can be. I try my best not to share spoilers so I usually will not be talking about the plot. I will instead express the emotions that ran through me while reading your book(s). There is no specific time frame for how long I can take with your book(s) but I will try my best to finish as soon as I possibly can. (I have only DNF’d less than a handful of books.) Again, wait time might take from a couple weeks to a couple months (even more), all due to the requests still on my shelf.

Media/Release Day Blitz/Cover Reveals/Book Tours/Giveaways

I will only participate in the items mentioned below if I have read the book(s) in question and given it/them a rating of 4 stars or more.

  • Media Blitz: I would be honored to share Media/Release Day Blitz for your next novel(s) on my blog only if I have read the novel(s) first and rated it 4 stars or higher. Of course, I can only participate if I receive an e-mail beforehand containing all of the media information needed for the post. (Cover, banners, quotes, teasers, etc.)
  • Cover reveals: I will most likely than not share covers of highly anticipated novels on my blog. I will get the buzz going on my Instagram page as well but the actual cover won’t be shared there, only on my blog. An e-mail containing all the information you would like me to put on my post would be highly appreciated.
  • Giveaway: If you are interested in having me host a giveaway for your book, then I will be honored to! Book swag is highly appreciated as well. Keep in mind, giveaways will take place on my Instagram or Twitter page ONLY until further notice.
  • Book tours: Same rule applies. I will only participate in a book tour if I have read the book before and given it 4 stars or more.

The more I like your book, the more I will share it on my Instagram page and tag you on every post (if you have an Instagram account).

Are you a publishing company?

If you are a publishing agency in search for social media representatives, I would love to be a part of your team! Physical copies are my main priority at the moment. I would absolutely love to hear from you and I can’t wait to work with you! Spreading the word about authors and their work is one of the things I am most passionate about.

Where do I send the copy to?

You may contact me by e-mail: so I can disclose any other details needed in private. I check my e-mail frequently so I will most likely get back to you in less than 48 hours. If I don’t reply then the e-mail must’ve gotten lost in my spam folder.

Thank you so much for taking a chance on me and I look forward to hearing from you!